Monthly Archives: March 2013

Slow morning: For a change

My morning started later than usual, and that’s because I stayed up late working on an aggregator for digital humanities at Columbia (coming soon), but this is not a blog about what we did yesterday.

I got to the office around 11am to a consultation with a graduate student of the Oral History M.A. program. She wants to build a site where she tells the stories behind women’s tattoos.  In practical terms she wants sound to play on images. She was trying to decide whether to go the Omeka or WordPress route. I suggested that WordPress would probably work better for this sort of digital exhibit, given the number of ready-made themes that display galleries of images. We spent the rest of the hour trying to get WordPress installed on her Dreamhost website. Alas, Dreamhost was not giving us access to her site, seemingly because she had set it up a month ago and had done nothing on it. Yes, I thought that was strange too. Either way, this presented an opportunity for me to teach her the value of  submitting a ticket for issues dealing with DNS’s and servers.

After the student left, I rolled up my sleeve and started chipping away at my inbox. I am of the inbox-0 job class, and as such, I usually have a manageable chunk each time I sit down to do it.Here are some highlights. My phenomenal boss sent me my yearly performance evaluation (a librarian genre). Let’s just say, I’m a tasmanian devil of change who could probably use some quiet listening time once in a while. Not a surprise to those who know me. I got some responses to the THATCamp Caribe progress report I put out yesterday. Looks like Casa de las Americas will be indeed hosting us.

Inbox back to 0, I set out to get my w-2’s. Yes DH’ers pay their taxes too.

Then, of course, writing my first post.