Live Archive of #DayofDH Tweets

I’ve started a live archive of #dayofdh tweets here. It will update every hour, and goes back about a week. If I had though of starting it last night, then we’d have a live archive of just the day, but I’m sure there’s a way to get around that problem once/if anyone wants to start visualizing and working with the raw data of the twitter archive.

I am forever indebted to Mark Sample for first introducing me to this method, but we should all express a whole ton of gratitude for the creator of the script necessary to create such an archive, Martin Hawksey. If you specifically want the spreadsheet for your own Twitter searching purposes, you can find that post here. There is also a pretty cool visualization tool he created for the spreadsheet (which I’ll be using later today or tomorrow morning to “see” what the day of dh was like on Twitter).

But I invite and encourage everyone to check out the work he does on his site, which is all open-access and open-source. He does A LOT of really cool data collection and visualization stuff (that goes over my head, honestly, but it’s still pretty neat).

I’ll be back later with some “numbers” regarding the Day of DH tweets. I don’t know if it’s implied or not, but feel free to do whatever you want with the archive I’ve created. Except delete it. Please don’t do that.